The following scene of Helmut Huxley and Antony Lorca was filmed for and scheduled as part of « Last Summer in Greece » But I was being geographically incorrect as these scenes were filmed in Africa. I was descended upon by the purists annoying me into cancelling it I wonder if the director of Chicago, who filmed it in Canada, had this issue? So, you will have to ‘suffer’ with having this scene – featuring two beautiful guys with big dicks- here. Somehow, you’ll manage.
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Kevin Warhol & Helmut Huxley
Josh Mendes & Bruce Harrelson
Benoit Ulliel & Andre Boleyn
Tom Houston & Eluan Jeunet
Enrique Vera & Derek Caravaggio
Helmut, Oscar & Jerome Exupery
Oscar Scholz
Nikk Lanier
Olaf Mortensen
Luca Carrera & Liam Efron
Bart Cuban & Ayden Mallory Part 1
Tommy Poulain & Adam Archuleta
Jorik Tautou & Jim Durden
Jack Harrer & Sven Basquiat
Jamie Eliot & Jim Durden
Bart Cuban & Kirk Gauguin
Orri Aasen and Fabien Jacq
Christian Lundgren & Jack Harrer