It is a special treat today as we bring Kris Evans back into the schedule in this scene with Roald Ekberg. For our DVD collectors out there you will remember the scene from the DVD ‘Loving Kris’, although for the rest of us it is a new one. There is a nice contrast here between the swarthy beauty of Kris and Roald’s blond handsomeness, and of course, with these 2 favorite performers, there is a lot to look forward to.
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Jack Harrer & Liam Efron
Tony Conrad and Felix Gaul
BelAmi X Sean Cody
Hudson King
Claude Sorel & Kyle
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Bobby Kanne & Virgil Avedon
Jonas Miller & Thurman Matt
Dylan Maguire & Igor Voronin
BelAmiOnline : Yuri Alpatow and Hoyt Kogan
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Yannis Paluan & Bart Cuban
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Igor Voronin Solo
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