Rainy days were the norm at Balaton. So, it’s understandable that Jeff Mirren wished to enjoy the sun during the handful of days that the weather permitted. That is until Matthieu arrives to remind him of their sex date.
Jeff’s forgetfulness is quickly forgiven as he treats Matthieu to the pounding of a lifetime. These two make an appealing couple – both always horny and up for a good fuck. Yes, Jeff loves sunny days, but he loves sweaty sex more. Judging from the unprecedented amount of sweat he produced here, Jeff was very happy to spend this sunny day indoors.

Helmut Huxley & Claude Sorel
Matt Thurman
Jamie Eliot & Tucker Ellison
Joaquin Arrenas solo
Riff Dornan & Kirk Gauguin
Sven Basquiat
Jay Campion
Freshmen boys : Dancing in the Sun
Charlie Musk and Tom Houston
Tim Moffie, Pierce Harrington, Rico Gabbani and Jorik Tautou
Nils Tatum
Manuel Rivero
Michael Ross and Jay Campion
Kirk Gauguin
Derek Caravaggio & Bruce Querelle
Liam Efron & Dylan Maguire
Jim Durden & Kirk Gauguin
Pierre Cezanne