Young, handsome, hung, charming and tall would be a few of the descriptions. While many of our models are above average height, at 6’5” Ashton Montana towers over most of them. Ashton Montana had been with us only two months when we decided to throw him in the deep end, sending him to Balaton to shoot our BootCamp series. Fortunately, he and his penis rose to the occasion and he thrived.
Judging by the words we’ve read in the comments about him you will be eagerly looking forward to more from our future star.
Back to Greece Part 3
Nikk Lanier & Kristian Bresson
Jordan Faris & Hugo Diorr
FreshMen : Nils Tatum and Ryan McKenna
Riff Dornan
Adam Archuleta & Nils Tatum
Freddy McQueen & John Leto
Mael Gauthier & Kevin Warhol
Mikael Nyoman & Viggo Sorensen
Kirk Gaugin and Jeremy Robbin
Allan Aimée & Serge Cavalli
Viggo Sorensen
Shane Mendes & Pierce Harrington
Joaquin Arrenas and Sven Basquiat
Kirk Gauguin & Justin Saradon
Nate Donaghy and Joaquin Arrenas
Frederic Perin & Yannis Paluan
Back to Greece Part 4