Daddy Gets First Dibs Raunchy Bastards

Daddy Gets First Dibs

I filmed this the same day I met Patrick Raposa. He flew in from up north. Don’t ask me how, but apparently he was a virgin (with both guys and girls). Now, he had had his dick sucked before, but that was the extent of it. While he admitted that he might be Bi, I wasn’t exactly sure how any of this would pan out. I thought that maybe he was a virgin because he had a lot of issues he hadn’t dealt with, and I was not a little worried that he might freak the fuck out if I tried anything on him. Happily for this old geezer, it was almost the opposite. This poor young man, only 18 for a month and a half, had so much sexual frustration pent up that making a move on him was like turning on a water hose.
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