Those of you who are members of will already be familiar with our model of the week, Kristian Bresson, but today marks his debut here on BelAmiOnline. Kristian is a little shy but very sweet and all the other guys like to work with him.
We decided to introduce him this week as he will be part of our upcoming Croatian Roadtrip series starting next month on Fridays here at BelAmiOnline. Pale eyes together with his dark hair and complexion give Kristian quiet and exotic look and we hope you enjoying meeting him this week.
Hugo Carter
Jim Kerouac & Daniel Mathis
Derek Caravaggio & Elio Chalamet
Pip Caulfield, Sven Basquiat & Kirk Gauguin
Raf Koons & Tom Rogers
BelAmi : Helmut Huxley and Kieran Benning
Olaf Mortensen & Paul Cassidy
Justin Saradon & Sven Basquiat
Hoyt Kogan & Yuri Alpatow
Jens, Ethan & Andrei
Lonnie Jenkins
Nils Tatum and Steve Skarsgaard
Nils Tatum & Roald Ekberg
Hugo Diorr Solo
Lars Norgaard
Bobby Kanne