There is no doubt that Viggo Sorensen has the perfect body and the hard work he puts into keeping it that way is clear for all to see. Viggo always gives 100%.
As well as maintaining his divine physique, he keeps working for us as a cameraman and photographer delivering perfect product every time. Today Viggo puts all his assets on display. Let’s admire the perfection!
Lars Norgaard & Claude Sorel
Serge Cavalli Solo
Back to Greece Part 14
Jim Durden & Robin Rief
Claude Sorel & Enrique Vera
Nate Donaghy and Joaquin Arrenas
Daley Anholt
Allan Aimée
Felix Dowoni
Rico Gabbani
Ennio with Jamie & Jim
Mark Laysson & Peter Annaud
Tim Moffie
Sven Basquiat
Tim Moffie & Elio Chalamet
Benoit Ulliel Solo
Ayden Mallory and Brandon Salieri
Nate Donaghy and Bart Cuban