It was so nice to go hiking with Scoutmaster Wheeler. Just the two of us, out in the forest, chatting a bit, listening to the birds… He stopped and told me he needed to take a leak and walked over to a tree. He walked a good distance away from me, leaving me on the trail.I couldn’t help but sneak up and try to look over. And to my surprise, I could see that his dick was not only out, but it was hard! As he relieved himself with his massive hard on, I couldn’t look away… or stop my dick from swelling.
Click Here & Get Full Access to Scout BoysTroop Time
Scout Canyon, Chapter 2: Reinforcing Protocols
Dolf Dietrich & Marcus Rivers
Scout Maxwell
Sneaking Off
Scout Johnny: The Pledge
Scout Dawson
The Campsite
Scout Grant, Chapter 1: The Pledge
Scout Zack Pitch A Tent
International Scout Boys
Scout Jack & Scoutmaster Kamp The Pledge
Scout Logan
Scout Austin & Scoutmaster Dietrich
Catching the Scoutmasters
Weathering the Storm
After Camping
Troop Time, Chapter 11: Birdwatching