Tommy Clapton will be coming as a fully fledged freshman a little bit later (along with his boyfriend, Bob Coogler) but we thought that we would give you a little heads up with this set of pictures and a special free members chat this coming Thursday.
Tommy’s chat will be together with 2 other chat guys, Virgil and Callum. We’ve put a countdown timer for the show on the top right of the page.
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Gregg Flynn and Elio Chalamet
Tom Rogers & Serge Cavalli
Antony Lorca & Christian Lundgren
First Taste of Colombia
Pip Caulfield, Kirk Gaugin and Sven Basquiat
Troy Jennings and Andre Boleyn
Riff Dornan
Jorik Tautou & Derek Caravaggio
Viggo Sorensen & Jim Durden
Jay Campion
Charlie Musk
Kirk Gauguin & Derek Caravaggio
Mario Texeira
Jerry Hannan & Bastian Dufy
Ashton Montana
Freddy McQueen & John Leto Part 2
Kian O'Connor
Olaf Mortensen