Today’s edition of „Back to Greece“ features lots of backstage footage. Jerome Exupery and Kevin Warhol visit the villa to try to find a partner for their own home video. Kevin is not in luck and instead we get to follow Jerome and his lover Riis Erikson on their hot sex adventure. The full-length video of this scene was published in issue 308 but today you’ll get to see how it really happened.
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Bruce Harrelson & Clint Newman
Charlie Musk & Jamie Eliot
Dean Cooper Solo
Nikk Lanier & Olaf Mortensen
Nate Donaghy and Bart Cuban
Tom Gabbard & Nate Donaghy
Casey Robinson & Jerome Exupery
Tom Houston Solo
Oliver Coogan & Justin Saradon
Oscar Scholz & Felix Dowoni
Rico Gabbani
Antony Lorca & Henrik Bjorn
Benoit Ulliel & Ben Radcliffe
Tom Rogers & Justin Saradon
Michel Seberg & Jerome Exupery
Shane Mendes
Danny Defoe & Matthieu Pique
Mark Laysson & Tommy Clapton