Today we give handsome future superstar Shane Mendes a chance to show more of himself. His fit sexy body and seductive looks and smile only underline his radiant positivity as he performs a solo jerkoff show especially for you. This film was recorded after a „Naked interview“ which we will release a little later this year. We hope you’ll enjoy Shane’s solo video for today’s special anniversary 400th issue before we release him to interact with other boys.
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Cristiano Cruzo & Mario Texeira
Joaquin Arrenas and Sven Basquiat
Jim Durden and Viggo Sorensen
Kirean Benning & Serge Cavalli
Derek Caravaggio & Joel Birkin
Joel, Bastian, Pip & Joaquin
Brenden Staal
Eluan Jeunet & Yannis Paluan
Elio Chalamet Solo
Mark Laysson & Tim Moffie
Ennio with Jamie & Jim
Sammy Poulain Solo
Andy McAllister & Bobby Noiret part 2
Bart Cuban & Jason Bacall
Derek Caravaggio solo
Lorenzo Ricci & Callum Dean
Shane Sanders Solo FreshMen
Ethan O’Pry & Viggo Sorensen