Shane Sanders doesn’t pass for a typical beauty but he certainly does have sex appeal for some of our customers. Kevin Warhol, who was Shane’s personal trainer in preparing him for shooting summed it up with ‘there is a genuine sluttishness about him that will make him a good performer’. Let’s see if Kevin was right.
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Bob Marghiela
Timothy Blue & Jim Durden
Tom Houston & Eluan Jeunet
Viggo Sorensen & Ethan O'Pry
Kedar Marchetti
John Leto and Mario Texiera
Allan Aimée & Eluan Jeunet
Elio Chalamet & Serge Cavalli
Jorik Tautou and Elio Chalamet
Diego Alameda
Robin Rief
Ethan O´Pry SOLO
Pierre Devin & Jim Durden
Sasha Hamilton & Austin Black
Steve Collins
Cooper Burian
Aidan O'Shea & Kevin Warhol
Joaquin Arrenas with Jarrod Lanvin & Joel Birkin