Boys Halfway House Gay Porn Video

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I admit, sometimes we aren’t very proportional in our response to bad behavior. But… it works. Even better, it can be very entertaining for the Managers. Trust me, after years of working with young delinquents, there is definitely a sort of pleasure in being able to unleash all that pent up frustration. I mean, all we really want is an orderly, quiet House with guys that are trying their best not to be fuckups.

Case in point is this resident. He doesn’t cause so many problems really, but he did break a rule, and other residents know it. Now what would they think if we let it slide? Well, we shall never know, because we didn’t let it slide. I marched this fucker into the room and despite that completely innocent look on his face, I confronted him. He didn’t have much to say, but instead of speaking, I made sure his mouth was put to even better use. That would be on my cock. And I will tell you what: this guy can give some amazing head. I was completely in shock. Most straight teenage guys don’t just give head like a porn star on their first attempt. I guess it was my lucky day. I should have played the lottery.
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