There’s been an over-abundance of fresh and tender bodies leaving a shortage for the fans craving to see their all-time favourites. This edition of Freshmen is for them and this scene has two of those favourites – Adam Archuleta and Jordan Farris. Typically, Adam can use his position as cameraman to lure boys into bed. Unfortunately for Adam, Jordan is unimpressed with positions or titles, so he is forced to rely on his charm, good looks, and happy nature to seduce Jordan. Fortunately for Adam, he has an abundance of all these traits.
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Andy McAllister & Bobby Noiret part 2
Paul Cassidy & Eluan Jeunet
John Leto & Tom Houston
Jamie Eliot & Tony Zuko Part 2
Frederic Perin & Yannis Paluan
Pip Caulfield & Mael Gauthier
Derek Caravaggio & Jeroen Mondrian
Jim Durden & Niko Vangelis
Jamie Eliot & Bruce Harrelson
Rene Ferri & Adam Archuleta
Oscar Scholz & Felix Dowoni
Jorik Tautou & Justin Saradon Part 2
Ethan O'Pry
Jamie Eliot & Viggo Sorensen
Back to Greece Part 31
Zane Belville & Virgil Avedon
Helmut, Oscar & Jerome Exupery
Jay Campion