Aiden Garcia has had the hots for cutie Collin Adams for ages, unfortunately Collin had a boyfriend back in the day; so, until now, he’s always been Aiden’s fantasy fuck. Garcia spies Adams sitting alone one night and all those old feeling cum rushing back. He asks Collin if he’s still attached and lucky for Aiden, he is NOT! It’s total sexual serendipity and Garcia isn’t going to let this one get away again. He invites Adams over to his place and shows the american pie, dream guy what he’s been missing all these years! Collin has obviously thought about Aiden as well but when he pulls Garcia’s undies down, he’s sees what he’s been missing! Garcia’s golden groin glimmers with porny promises of absolute pleasure. Collin definitely makes up for lost time with a tongue twirling, tube steak taste test. He looks up at Aiden with a mouth FULL of cock as if to say, we should have done this sooner! Garcia feels the same way and shows his long time crush by crushing the kid’s caboose with a penetratingly good tongue-pucker probing.
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