This week we have hunky Aiden Quinn as model of the week. We first met Aiden back in June when we brought you his BelAmiOnline casting video. Aiden is easy going and quite comfortable taking his clothes off in front of the camera, and thankfully Eliot spent some time with his to highlight Aiden’s beautiful bubble butt.
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Antony Lorca & Ryan McKenna
Karsten Blomkvist
Joel Birkin & Arne Coen
SPECIAL 3-WAY! Kevin Warhol, Jerome Exupery, Helmut Huxley
Torsten Ullman and Orri Aasen
Helmut Huxley & Raf Koons
Kris Evans and Roald Ekberg
Johnny Bloom
Bruce Harrelson
Alex Orioli & Jack Harrer
Dolph Lambert
Kieran Benning & Serge Cavalli
Dylan Maguire & Jim Durden
Offensively Large BelAmi
Freddy McQueen
Ethan O'Pry & Oscar Scholz