It was a bit of a dry year for Tommy last year with not even a single scene to his name, but we promise to change that this year. This week we start by featuring his photo set from Budapest, taken by our resident photographic maestro, Eliot.
Sammy originally got his name as we thought that he looked like he could be a brother to Tommy. The video documentary of this photo session also contains a little surprise as Eluan pops in to visit the set… you will never imagine what happens then.

Danny Defoe & Jean-Luc Bisset
Jordan Faris & Dean Cullen
Peter Annaud & Olaf Mortensen
Justin Saradon & Sven Basquiat
Torsten Ullman & Serge Cavalli
Jim Kerouac & Daniel Mathis
Ariel Vanean & Yuri Alpatow
Marc Ruffalo & Maori Mortensen
Johnny Bloom
Niall Morris & Hoyt Kogan
Summer Break 2: Justin Saradon and Phil Jarreau
Kevin Warhol & Maori Mortensen
Kieran Benning & Kyro Adams
Kris Evans, Zac Dehaan and Julien Hussey
Helmut Huxley, Torsten Ullman & Christian Lundgren
Ritchie Argento
SUMMER BREAK 5: With Zac Dehaan and Christian Lundgren