Twink Tuesday today features Andy McAllister and Hugo Boss. These 2 guys are about the twinkiest that we have on the BelAmi roster, so it just made sense to have them in a scene together. We had been keeping this scene for Freshmen, but with so many new guys coming along we decided to bring it to you over here instead.
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Rocco Alfieri & Thom Jacobs
Julien Hussey & Rhys Jagger
Claude Sorel and Jerome Exupery
Alex Orioli Todd Rosset & Jaco Van Sant
Elio Chalamet
Eluan Jeunet Solo
Dean Cooper
Samuel Cregeen
Jon Kael & Kian O'Connor
Hoyt Kogan & Jason Bacall
Helmut Huxcley and Jarrod Lanvin
Vadim Farrell & Torsten Ullman
Raf Koons BelAmi
Kyle & Yannis Part One
Marcel Gassion & Jim Durden
Helmut Huxley & Bart Cuban
Sascha Chaykin, Vadim Farrel and Phillipe Gaudin
Kieran Benning & Kyro Adams