This scene was originally scheduled for Kinky Angel’s September issue as Antony Lorca’s introduction. Since we already had one strong scene from Greece in that edition we decided to move this all the way to December. We suspect you’ll enjoy it just as much now as you would have then. Think of it as an early present- a great start for the month of Christmas.
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Click Here & Get Full Access to Freshmen
FresMen Model : Kirk Gauguin
Hugo Carter & Dan Hilfiger
Mael Gauthier
Matt Thurman & Hans Lagerfeld
Nikk Lanier & Kirk Gauguin
Gino with Kevin, Helmut & Jerome part 1
Jean-Luc Bisset & Bastian Dufy
Nils Tatum
Lorenzo Ricci & Joe Angelli
Jamie Durrell & Nate Donaghy
Ethan O’Pry & Elio Chalamet
Joaquin Arrenas & Jarrod Lanvin
Jeroen Mondrian & Torsten Ullman
Sven Basquiat & Enrique Vera
Jamie Eliot & Tony Zuko Part 1
Peter Annaud & Gino Mosca
Lorenzo Ricci
Jay Campion