Apprentice Basinger

Apprentice Basinger sat expectantly, wondering with intense anticipation what Grandmaster Wolf would ask him. Entrance into the Masonic Order wasn’t guaranteed, and Basinger knew that it would require more than just a sunny smile and a charming personality.

The questions started simple at first. Information about school and sports and activities fell out of Basinger’s mouth like they were pre-recorded, set to auto-response from a lifetime of regurgitating the facts and details of what made him stand out amongst his peers.

Grandmaster Wolf was no fool, however. He knew that Basinger was hiding something. He could see the subtle ways in which Basinger would steal glances at his body, eyeing the space between his thighs, even parting his lips ever so slightly as if in thought about what that spot concealed.

Wolf knew he had to put Basinger to the test. He told him to remove his clothes, leaving just his sheer, white underwear on. Basinger was confused and reluctant at first, but Wolf’s words were delivered with such authority, Basinger was compelled to comply. And of course, Basinger was unexpectedly happy to do so.

Wolf could see that Basinger was sporting a pretty substantial member beneath his sheer underwear. The thin white fabric draped delicately over an impressive size of manhood sprouting upward. Apprentice Basinger didn’t know what to do, knowing that any objection could put his position in the order in jeopardy. So he went along with Grandmaster Wolf’s instructions, answering his questions and sitting still in patience.

When Grandmaster Wolf tied the young man’s hands behind his back, Basinger knew the interview was taking a direction he had not prepared for. He’d heard rumors of the crazy various rituals and ceremonies the Masons performed, but he didn’t think they were still in practice. He had imagined a number of archaic formalities would have been lost to modernization, keeping the organization more aligned with occupational pursuits and tradecraft.

But as Basinger’s assumptions began to shatter, he saw a dark spot appear on the cloth covering his cock. It was a small, wet droplet forming against the white material of the underwear. Precum. Basinger was leaking precum onto his shorts, stimulated and aroused by the intimate way Grandmaster Wolf tied him to the chair, keeping him in place…
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Pump Up The Cum
Kyle Fox and Thiago Da Silva