Hard-working and dedicated young initiates to the Order like Apprentice Foster are always identified and anointed by Grandmaster Legrand Wolf. The sacred, erotic ritual is the doorway to the alluring secrets that will be shared during the apprentice’s anointing.
The Grandmaster will take command of all of the young man’s wildest fantasies. And because the eager apprentice wants to be led through the carnal rites of passage by Legrand, he vows to always comply with the ultra-masculine Grandmaster’s desires!
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Bishop Angus, Cole Blue, Felix Kamp & Legrand Wolf The Covenant
Apprentice Roux
Disciplinary Action
Apprentice Michaels
Apprentice Land
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Apprentice Devall, Chapter 8: Second Annointing
Apprentice Ducati, Chapter 2: The Calling
Apprentice Shepard, Chapter 8: The Sacrament
The Anointing
Apprentice Land
Apprentice White
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Apprentice Young, Chapter 7: Ordination
pprentice Ducati, Chapter 3: The Initiation
Apprentice Blue
Apprentice Waters
Apprentice Roux