The room was entirely white. So white, in fact, and so brightly lit, that it made my eyes sting. Master Napoli was sitting on a chair in the middle of the room, wearing the most beautifully-fitted white suit. He asked if I was ready to be initiated into the order and I told him I was. Then he dipped his finger into some kind of warm scented oil and started to gently touch various parts of my body. It was so calming, so sensuous. His fingers were like the softest feathers.
The more he touched me, the more aroused I felt. My penis instantly sprang to attention, twitching and throbbing in anticipation. Master Napoli knelt in front of me and started to rub oils into my groin. The sensation was erotic beyond words. Then he began to suck me. It felt incredible. It all went so slowly. So wonderfully slowly. So stimulatingly, tantalizingly slowly.
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