Being in charge of the documentary team does come with some benefits that are non-sexual in nature, as Kevin finds out today when all the boys are suddenly being very nice to him. Although we don’t doubt that they hold him in genuine affection, the real reason for their flattery is that they need him to go and get more beer for them. Who would expect such cynicism from angelic faced Pip and Jason!
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Sven Basquiat & Enrique Vera
Elio Chalamet & Riff Dornan
Derek Caravaggio & Joel Birkin
GAY SEX SCENES: Kieran Benning & Joaquin Arrenas
Tom with Serge & Enrique
Jean-Luc Bisset & Jason Bacall
Back to Greece Part 22
Brandon Salieri
Camillo Beischel & Ashton Montana
Jay Campion
Kevin Warhol & Helmut Huxley
Kaspar Dixon
Jimmie Ackerman
Felix Dowoni & Tony Zuko
Matt Thurman
Serge Cavalli Solo
Jamie Eliot
Ethan O´Pry