This photosession is a little sneak peek at some of the material from our upcoming African series. While Christian Lundgren looks stunning in almost any situation, the Cape Town climate seems particularly flattering. This particular shoot was made for us by Eliot, but in the series there will be a mix of Eliot’s photosets, and Art Collection sets by Benno Thoma.
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SIZE MATTERS:Peter Annaud & Gary Danton
Ritchie Argento
Kian O'Connor & Jamie Eliot
Ariel Vanean and Orri Aasen
Dean Cullen
Jimmy Vance
Workout 3 way BelAmiOnline
Kevin Warhol Jack Harrer& Jeff Mirren
Jack Harrer and Yannis Paluan
Joaquin Arrenas Jeroen Mondrian & Jon Kael
Ethan O'Pry and Viggo Sorensen
Torsten Ullman & Serge Cavalli
Ronald Curtis Solo BelAmi
Kieran Benning & Kyro Adams
BelAmiOnline : Yuri Alpatow and Hoyt Kogan
Hoyt Kogan & Matt Thurman
Felix Dowoni
Rocco Alfieri & Enrique Vera