It all starts off very well with Tim’s attempt at English at the beginning of this week’s photo session, but it soon proves to be too much for him and he swaps back to Czech. Our shoot today is from Africa and is by Eliot Klien. Tim is one of the boys who have an overabundance of personality and who almost always is in a good mood, taking on the role of the class joker to entertain us all. Today we have caught Tim Campbell in one of his best moods, so we hope you enjoy the results.
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Tommy Clapton
Freddy McQueen
Marcel Gassion & Jim Durden
Adam Archuleta, Andre Boleyn, Jerome Exupery & Christian Lundgren
Felix Gaul & Aldo Belucci
Last Summer in Greece 8
Andrei Karenin & Olaf Mortensen
Cristiano Cruzo
Stephane Rousseau
Roald Ekberg & Aldo Belucci
Hudson King
LAST SUMMER IN GREECE 5 : Hoyt Kogan and Torsten Ullman
Greek Holiday 10
Alex Orioli & Harris Hilton
Serge Cavalli & Nils Tatum
Réveil bandant avec Gino Mosca et Arne Coen