When Jim Durden arrives on the set, everything falls into place. Here our sex master“ Jimbo (as some of our boys like to call him) is paired with one of our new, fresh models, Ben Lilly. Ben started shooting with us as he was looking for new experiences but he didn’t expect to have his most amazing sexual encounter so soon. Jim is a very generous lover and here we get to witness a sexual symphony conducted by him.
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John Leto
Jack & Claude
Pierce Harrington & Felix Dowoni
Derek Caravaggio & Bruce Querelle
Lars Nogaard Solo
Eluan Jeunet Solo
Joel, Bastian, Pip & Joaquin
Gene Allen
Jorik Tautou
Kian O’Connor & Oscar Scholz
Pip Caulfield
Ashton Montana & Riff Dornan
Serge Cavalli & Riff Dornan
Elio Chalamet & Riff Dornan
Jorik Tautou & Derek Caravaggio
John Leto and Sammy Poulain
Kirk Gauguin & Justin Saradon
Rico Gabbani