Over the years most of the young guys who have come to us seem to be getting fitter, more muscular, and bigger all the time, so we are always happy to find someone that really personifies the term ‘twink’ like Ben Radcliffe. This photoset is taken in tropical Budapest by staff photographer Eliot. Ben alternates here between looking sexy and sultry and then innocent and naive.
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Shane Mendes and Billy Coogan
Hugo, Riff, Timmy & Steve Fourgy
Claude Sorel and Jerome Exupery
Torsten Ullman & Marcel Gassion
Torsten Ullman & Nils Tatum Photo-Session
ACCIDENTAL LOVERS: With Helmut Huxcley, Philippe Gaudin and Hoyt Kogan
Shane Mendes and Billy Coogan
Clint Newman & Kyle Brady
Kyle & Yannis Part One
Jeremy Robbins
Jean-Daniel, Vadim Farrell & Gino Mosca
Jesse Tobey & Jeff Mirren
Tom Pollock Joel Birkin & Andrei Karenin
Nolan Hawke
Jay Karlsson
Torsten Ullman & Christian Lundgren BelAmi
Jean Daniel & Marcel Gassion
Oliver Granger