We inadvertently uploaded the wrong video revealing that there are two scenes featuring this couple. Director Marty remarked that these two are dressed the same and could be confused as brothers. When you see the passion shared between them you’ll see that they share a both a sexual appetite as well as a taste in fashion. Both boys were eager for an encore performance with the roles reversed. Who are we to say no?
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Mario Texiera
Back to Greece Part 21
Nate Donaghy and Joaquin Arrenas
Ronny Lamarr & Benoit Ulliel
Hugo Carter & Bob Coogler
Kirk Gauguin
Joe Brady
Oscar Scholz & Tommy Clapton
Charlie Musk and Tom Houston
Bart Cuban & Jason Bacall
Back to Greece Part 3
Jean-Luc Bisset & Jason Bacall
Pip Caulfield Solo
Ethan, Hugo & Steve
Jorik Tautou & Tim Moffie Part 1
Nils Tatum & Jens Christensen
Kirk Gauguin & John Leto
Robin Rief & Serge Cavalli