Although this scene is definitely from our Africa productions it doesn’t mark the start of the new Jambo Africa. For one week a month we will be bringing you some special 2 day scenes on Thursday and Saturday, and the Tuesday of the same week will be ‘Africa Flashbacks’ which are scenes from our last Jambo Africa that didn’t make it into the schedule then.
To start off with with have hung and handsome Raf Koons fucking the buff and Beautiful Brian Jovovich.
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Billy Montague & Tim Campbell
Jerome Exupery & Rick Palmer
Joaquin Arrenas & Enrique Vera
Gerard Lelouch
Jerome Exupery & Ian Roebuck
Sven Basquiat & Jason Bacall
Ariel Vanean & Yuri Alpatow
House of BelAmi : Kian & Jamie
Kevin Warhol & Dean Cullen
BelAmi Model : Mark Sullivan
Daan Jeffries
Justin Saradon & Ben Radcliffe
Mael Gauthier &Kian O'Connor
Ronny Lamarr & Aidan O’Shea
Scott Bennet & Andy McAllister
BelAmiOnline Models Justin Saradon & Tommy Poulain & Jerry Hannan
MARCEL & Justin Saradon