Our last Freshmen edition of the year leads off with Christopher Caan and Bruce Querelle. Christopher Caan is endearingly nervous as he is about to meet the man of his dreams.His nerves prove unwarranted as Bruce Querelle is horny and Christopher Caan’s increasingly buff physique is just right to satisfy his lust. Though they’ve never met before, their chemistry is great with Christopher Caan’s need to get fucked equaling Bruce’s need to fuck.
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Orri Aasen and Fabien Jacq
FresMen Model : Fabien Jacq
Riff Dornan & Nikk Lanier
Jack & Gregg
Ennio Leone
Jack Harrer & Yannis Paluan
Elio Chalamet & Jim Durden
Nils Tatum
FresMen Model Mateo Diaz
Jamie Durrell & Eluan Jeunet
Jens Christensen & Robin Rief
FreshMen : Nils Tatum and Ryan McKenna
John Leto
Rick Palmer
Zane Belville & Charlie Musk
Dylan Maguire & Shane Sanders
Back to Greece Part 6
Michel Seberg