I am pretty sure that Christian loves getting fucked as much as well all like watching him get fucked. Today’s scene is all about our blond hero, as he starts off with Helmut, and ends up getting fucked by Helmut’s cousin, Kieran. Helmut tried his hardest to get a mouthful of cum from Christian, but Christian is adamant if he doesn’t get fucked, he’s not giving Helmut a drop of his cum. Luckily for us, Kieran is there to finish the job the Helmut couldn’t!
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Oscar Scholz
Marc Ruffalo Tony Conrad & Lino Belucci BelAmi
Helmut Huxley and Kieran Benning
Marco Bill, Jason Clark and Phillipe Gaudin
BelAmi X Sean Cody: Jim Durden & Manny
Enrique Vera & Mark Sullivan
Torsten Ullman and Raphael Nyon
Peter Annaud and Marc Ruffalo
Rhys Jagger & Jens Christensen
Jim Kerouac & Daniel Mathis
Serge Cavalli & Alam Wernik
BelAmi Models : Andre Boleyn & Rhys Jagger
Danny Defoe & Jean-Luc Bisset
Adam Archuleta & Pierre Cezanne
Olaf Anderson
Jamie Eliot
Jacq Broyard and Harry Monaghan