Czech Hunter 403

I went hunting in a city market today. The place was crowded so I had to be careful. It took me a while before I approached my first target. To my surprise, he wasn’t there shopping, but merely passing through on his way to work. Working on Friday evening sounded like a terrible idea to me so I tried to convince him into doing something more fun. He worked at a musical instruments re-pair shop and his salary wasn’t exactly great. We talked a little and it turned out that he just got en-gaged and already had a kid. Pretty tough situation for a 25 year old part-time worker. Moreover, he made big debts because of Christmas. He was incredibly cute so I proposed a few ways he could make a few extra Crowns. There was no one at his workplace so we went there, and it was a ride to remember!

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Czech Hunter 404
Dirty Scout 173
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