Daan Jeffries is a very sexy guy that many of you think we do not feature often enough, so we asked Eliot to grab his camera so that we are able to highlight him as model of the week. Today’s pictures are the result.
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Helmut Huxcley and Jerome Exupery
Marcel Gassion and Jose Raoul
Jules Monteil
Andy McAllister & Felix Gaul
Raf Koons BelAmi
Joaquin Arrenas & Christopher Caan
Helmut Huxley & Eluan Jeunet
Antony Lorca & Rocco Alfieri
Tony Conrad & Thom Jacobs
Hoyt Kogan
Peter Annaud & Olaf Mortensen
Jerome Exupery & Olaf Mortensen
Alex Orioli & Harris Hilton
Bart Cuban & Sammy Poulain
Arny Coen and Andy McAllyster
Bastian Dufy & Jim Durden
Jean-Luc Bisset and Gino Mosca
Mark Laysson