Here we are offering you the interview and solo with Dean Cooper, filmed during our last Africa trip. I must admit to a little hesitancy when it comes to Dean, but I feel obliged to introduce you to him here on Freshmen so that you may pass your judgement upon him.
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Allan Aimée & Eluan Jeunet
John Lennox Solo
Jay Campion
Derek Caravaggio Solo
Jordan Faris & Billy Montague
Benny Saverin & Gino Mosca
Jamie Eliot & Jim Durden
Jack & Claude
Bart Cuban & Kirk Gauguin
Tony Zuko & Ashton Montana
Nils Tatum & Jens Christensen
Jens Christensen & Eluan Jeunet
Tim Moffie, Pierce Harrington, Rico Gabbani and Jorik Tautou
Elio Chalamet & Jim Durden
Kieran Benning & Joaquin Arrenas
Bobby Kanne & Gene Allen
Kevin Warhol & Jack Harrer
Michael Ross