Dirty Scout 257 Gay Porn Video On DirtyScout

Dirty Scout 257

Matej was a cute guy, who just quit his job as a male nurse and was looking for something new. His previous occupation was a chore that left him so tired that he was barely able to enjoy the few precious hours of free time he had. Also, the salary was horrible, of course. Spending time with his girlfriend was almost impossible while he had the job but when he quit, money started to run out. Good that he came to my office because I had a perfect solution for this. A new well-paid job in real estates was exactly what the dude needed. He was so excited! Obviously, he couldn’t afford to pay our mediation fee, but we managed somehow. He didn’t mind making a few extra thousand Crowns, either. Let’s hope his girlfriend won’t ever know about it. She would be surprised what a dirty whore she’s dating.
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