Like so many boys, Elder Dean is unable to keep his hands to himself at the mission when there are so many gorgeous guys surrounding him. To discipline the boy, a brand new priesthood leader, Bishop Davies, spanks his ass red and raw and shoves a crystal rod deep in the missionary’s young hole.
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Missionary Boys:Oliver Star & President Oaks
Elder Dalton Chapter 5: Second Anointing
Elder Anderson Ch 2: Anointing (Elder Anderson, President Manwaring (Greg McKeon)
Elder Jesse Stone: A Sacred Return
Mormon Boyz : Elder Ormonde Ch 3: SECOND ANOINTING
Bar Addison makes his debut on Missionary Boys
Elder Addison Chapter 1: The Interview
Elder Land Chapter 4: Initiation
The President’s Test
Elder Reign: Worthiness Check
MissionaryBoys brings you a hot daddy-son threeway
Sexual Transgression
Disciplinary Action
Elder Campbell & Brother Hart
Elder Ormonde/Ingles Chapter 2/8: Seduction
Second Anointing
Elder Brier Ch 2: THE CALLING
Elder Solano Ch 3: Atonement