As President Lewis becomes more and more ravenous for the bodies of young missionaries, Elder Packer and Elder Dial attempt to satisfy his sexual appetite. Elder Dial holds Elder Packer’s ankles over his head while President Lewis plows the boy’s hole, fucking deep into him. Then, Lewis breeds the boy with his creamy cum!
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Elder Anderson Ch 2: Anointing (Elder Anderson, President Manwaring (Greg McKeon)
Elder Edward Terrant: Rewarding Massage
Only With The President
Elder Land Chapter 8: Endowment
Elder Land Chapter 7: Atonement
Elder Addison Ch 2: THE CALLING
Elder Edward: Impure Missionary Boy
Elder Bar Ch 3: The Gift
Mormon Boy & Missionary Boys
Missionary Boys:Oliver Star & President Oaks
Elder Knoxx: The Calling
The Anointing Ritual
The Calling (Elder Land, Bishop Gibson)
Elder Wolf & Elder Argos: Sneaking Around The Temple
Elder's New Companion
Setting Apart
Mormon Boyz : Elder Gardner Chapter 2
Elder Edwards Ch 1: THE INTERVIEW