In return for staying in the company apartment we sometimes ask the boys to do a few chores. Most of the time it is not even worth the efoort of asking as they are too easily distracted and whatever they do needs to be redone afterwards. Such is the case here with Elio Chalamet and Kirk Gauguin. After a very token sweep og the terrace they decide that they need to go inside to relax and recover, although in this case ‘relax and recover’ really means ‘fuck like rabbits for the next 15 minutes’. Elio Chalamet is quite an insatiable bottom when he wants to be, so he gives Kirk quite the treat today and is certainly better for us than if they would have completed their assigned cleaning tasks!
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Helmut Huxcley and Jerome Exupery
Riff, Oscar & Jamie
Karsten Blomkvist
Rhys Jagger & Tommy Poulain
Roald Ekberg, Jason Bacall and Adam torres
Hugo Diorr Solo
Hoyt Kogan, Torsten Allman and Nils Tatum
Miguel Estevez and Nino Valens
Ronny Lamarr & Aidan O’Shea
Ian Roebuck
Jim Kerouac and Lars Nogaard
Steve Collins and Jimmie Ackerman
Michel Seberg Solo
Jules Monteil
CAN WE JOIN IN?: With Zac Dehaan, Arne Coen and Jason Clark
Kirk Gauguin Jim Durden & Viggo Sorensen
Tony Conrad & Thom Jacobs
Jerome Exupery & Hoyt Kogan