After getting closer to Valentin Meunier and spending a torrid time with him in the pool showers, Bastien can’t stop thinking about his ex and regrets their breakup. In order to save their rock band, Enzo lectures Sam Bayard to put an end to his revenge plans against Sacha, but Sam doesn’t know how to put the pieces back together and fears his ex’s reaction. After days without hearing from Sam, Sacha Delage comes face to face with him at “Happy Twinks” and a violent argument breaks out between the two boys. Will Sam Bayard and Sacha Delage manage to reconcile?Thanks to Bastien’s help, Valentin has started working as a waiter at the « Happy Twinks » but the restaurant manager turns out to be very vicious.
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French Twinks : Enzo Lemercier & Abel Lacourt
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