The following gay sexe scene is a very free form affair, especially considering it comes from director Marty Sevens. Maybe it is because the 2 guys he was directing were just horny and experienced enough to perform without his instructions.
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Johny Hardin
Yannis Paluan and Bruce Querelle
Derek Caravaggio & Joaquin Arrenas
Derek Caravaggio & Olaf Mortensen
John Leto and Freddy McQueen
Lincoln Carrel & Tim Moffie
Oliver Newman
Jordan Faris & Hugo Diorr
Indy Harrison
Bart Cuban & Jason Bacall
Pascal Mauri Solo
Louis Thauvin
Ennio with Jamie & Jim
Camillo Beischel & Ashton Montana
Jon Kael FreshMen
FreshMen PhotoShoot : Peter Annaud
John Lennox Solo
Elio Chalamet with Riff Dornan & Bart Cuban