HARD BARGAIN: Kevin Warhol, Florian Nemec et Yuri Alpatow

Jambo Africa : Serge Cavalli & Enrique Vera
Blake Mitchell & Mario Texeira
Andrei Karenin & Lance Thurber
Derek Caravaggio and Giulio Pasolini
BelAmiOnline : Yuri Alpatow and Hoyt Kogan
Hoyt Kogan, Torsten Ullman and Pip Caulfield
Bruce Querelle and Mario Texeira
Marcel Gassion and Jose Raoul
Jerome Exupery & Olaf Mortensen
Arne Coen & Robin Michaux
Antony Lorca and Andrei Karenin
Tommy Clapton, Bob Coogler & Joe Angelli
Harris Hilton & Andrei Karenin SEXUAL TENSION
Ethan O'Pry and Viggo Sorensen
Double penetration : Hoyt Kogan, Jerome Exupery and Henrik Bjorn
Pip Caulfield & Fabien Jacq
Jeff Mirren & Jim Durden
Scott Bennet & Andy McAllister