My Dirtiest tasy : Adam Power is taken to the forest by the production team, stripped down and put in his coffin, ready for his fantasy to come true! After leaving him there for about 20 minutes, a van appears with two masked men who soon will be taking him away to the MDF warehouse, there he’s released form the coffin, where he’s soon sucking on the masked captives cocks. Shortly after he’ll be moaning in pleasure as he’s tied to the wall and his ass is abused with toys and their cocks. All this before both guys pumping their loads into the young lads ass. Cast: Alexis Clark, Dominique Kenique, Adam Power
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Chaste vibrations and cock in ass!
Perverted Summer House
Puppy Davey & Silas Rise
Master Aaron & Pierre Rubberax gets wrecked
Milked in Rope
Teen Slave Initiation Sc.2 Master Aaron, Adam Power
Sergio Jobbel & Erik Devil
Twinks Feet : Agus Piney & Jonny Montero
Piss Soaked Russian Cumslut
Punished by Silas
Enzo Lopez & Erik Devil Dirty Sinners
My rugby bro fucks my ass!
Suit Addicted Whores
Pierre Rubberax & Tannor Reed : Filthy PVC Sluts
Pierre Rubberax & Daniel Karrington : Obedience
Puppy Davey & Denis Skala
Dungeon Bound Sc.2
Daddy's Fuck Toy