ACCIDENTAL LOVERS: With Helmut Huxcley and Jarrod Lanvin: We kick off our Helmut Huxley special with his scene with Jarrod Lanvin. This is not the first time Jarrod has had sex with a guy, or even the first time he has had sex with Helmut, but it is his first sex in front of the camera. Luckily both guys manage to pretend that the cameras were not even there and we get a personal and intimate look into the guys sex life. Coming up next week we will Helmut’s interview, then a 2 day special with Hoyt and Phillipe. I think this is probably Jarrod’s best scene yes even though it is his first, so we hope you enjoy.
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Helmut Huxley & Jerome Exupery
Marc Ruffalo and Christopher Caan
Marcel Gassion & Jim Durden
Lars Halty
LAST SUMMER IN GREECE 5 : Hoyt Kogan and Torsten Ullman
Tom Houston & Jamie Eliot
Benny Saverin
3way : Marc Ruffalo, Claude Sorel & Scott Reeves
Manuel Rios, Jack Harrer, Peter Annaud
Arne Coen Joel Birkin et Jack Harrer
Oscar Scholz
Rikki Norseman
Kirk Gauguin & Karl Ayers
Brian Jovovich & Raphael Nyon
Raphael Nyon & Niko Vangelis
Torsten Ullman & Enrique Vera & Tom Rogers
Bel Ami Model: Aiden Gleeson