We showed you Henrik Bjorn’s casting about a year ago. Today we are showing you his interview and solo. While he may not appeal to everyone, he is blond and blue eyed and possesses a “boy next door” appeal.
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Hudson & Callum
Justin & Tommy
Matt Thurman & Hans Lagerfeld
Josh Mendes & Bruce Harrelson
Olaf Mortensen & Orri Aasen
Kieran with Pip & Jason
Gino Mosca and Danny Defoe
Sven Basquiat
Oscar Scholz & Felix Dowoni
Tristan Hale
Frederick Perin
Thom Jacobs & Jamie Durrell
John Leto and Mario Texiera
Orri Aasen & Igor Voronin
Jack Harrer & Justin Saradon
Hugo Carter & Camillo Beischel
Logan Ramsey
Joe Brady