Hoyt Kogan and Jacq Broyard

Hoyt Kogan is not one of our regular trainers, but GD thought that he would be just perfect Jacq Broyard, and it seems that he was right. From the start you can see that our newcomer is quite taken by Hoyt Kogan’s beauty and confidence…. even a slightly vain ‘don’t mess my hair’ comment by Hoyt doesn’t hinder Jacq Broyard’s fascination.
In earlier times Hoyt sometimes exhibited a bit of detachment in his lovemaking, but here there is no sense of that and he is as fully engaged in pleasing his partner as he is in pleasuring himself. Jacq Broyard seems so enamored of that he would let him do anything he wants, and as Luke Hamill expertly captures, that is exactly what happens. In this masterclass of lovemaking, Hoyt takes the lead and guides his young protégé to a climactic finale.
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