While Adam and Andre constantly fight over the Freshmen, Kevin takes a different approach. Kevin takes his role as training coordinator very seriously. Here we see him deliberating as to who would be the best partner for newbie Hugo Boss. Finally, he settles on Justin Saradon. Justin’s face looks quite young, especially in photos. When you see his full body, it gives you a more accurate reflection of his 22 years.
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Back to Greece Part 3
Jordan Faris & Hugo Diorr
Tim Moffie
Hoyt Kogan & Henrik Bjorn
Ethan O'Pry
Enrique Vera & Derek Caravaggio
Brenden Staal
Danny Defoe & Jean-Luc Bisset
Jamie Eliot
Robin Rief & Serge Cavalli
Sven Basquiat & Enrique Vera
Derek Caravaggio & Jeroen Mondrian
Elio Chalamet with Riff Dornan & Bart Cuban
Freddy McQueen & John Leto
Zane Belville & Virgil Avedon
Bruce Querelle
Virgil Avedon & Daley Anholt