I have a bit of a crush on Jack Bailey, and it’s probably because of his facial expressions when he is getting fucked. It shines through how much he loves cock. His round with Daniel Dean was no exception. Now, Daniel is a quiet guy, somewhat of a gym rat, and he’s very business-oriented. Protein shakes are expensive, after all. So is a largely plant-based diet. Thus the gay4pay (I guess?). Whatever the reason, him being straight didn’t seem to get in the way of showing Jack a good time.
I do understand that Daniel has had some, errr, practice with other guys. That said, I was pretty amazed at how dirty he talked to Jack. He’s got a potty mouth, and not just with the chicks. It turned Jack on, too. In addition to that, he seemed quite comfortable sucking cock and kissing, as well as eating ass. In fact, I’d say judging by the looks on Jack’s face, he’s very good at tossing the ole’ salad!
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