This week’s interview gives us more details about a new model, Jamie Eliot. Though he has been featured in several scenes, he remains largely a mystery. In this interview, he isn’t just physically naked, but he also reveals all emotionally.
During the interview, GD gets him to divulge how sexually driven he is and that he has a lot of “real world” experience. He also admits his attraction to our boys and his desire to become part of the regular team.
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Jason Bacall & Yannis Paluan
Serge Cavalli & Kieran Benning
Sammy Poulain
John Leto and Freddy McQueen
Andre Boleyn & Paul Cavill
Jamie Eliot
Ennio Leone
Felix Gaul & Raf Koons
Claude Sorel & Enrique Vera
Tim Moffie & Elio Chalamet
Tim Moffie & Sammy Poulain
Serge Cavalli & Riff Dornan
Hugo Carter & Camillo Beischel
Luca Carrera Solo
Kevin Warhol & Yannis Paluan
Andre Boleyn & Derek Caravaggio
Ashton Montana & Peter Annaud
Nils Tatum with Helmut Huxley & Jerome Exupery