You met Javier in February when we gave you his photo casting earlier in the series. He is joined now with our sexy blond lover, Jason Bacall. This scene is filmed in the “home video” style Kevin Warhol prefers. He enjoys setting a situation that allows the boys to progress naturally through the love-making act. We feel it makes for a more authentic and dynamic scene and is a nice contrast to Luke and Marty’s more formal methods.
Click here to see full FRESHMEN video
Mark Sullivan & Torsten Ullman
Pierre Cezanne & Jens Christensen
Miles Murray & Jamie Eliot
Kirk Gauguin & Christian Lundgren
Ennio Leone & Zane Belville
Jorik Tautou & Jim Durden
Robin Rief
Ashton Montana & Peter Annaud
Pip Caulfield, Kirk Gaugin and Sven Basquiat
John Leto and Mario Texiera
Kian O’Connor & Jack Harrer
Antony Lorca & Helmut Huxley
Bart Cuban & Ayden Mallory Part 2
Pablo Salcedo
Timothy Blue & Jim Durden
FreshMen Photo Shoot: Jason Bacall
Zane Belville & Charlie Musk
Bart Cuban and Mario Texeira