Since our othe 2 scenes were a flipflop , we decided to make this an all hardcore special for you with Claude Sorel and Jean-Luc Bisset in this week’s third sex scene. Aside from being a model, Claude also works at our office. After a dearth of filming with boys he finds attractive, he decides to pull a few strings to set himself up with Jean Luc Bisset. Working for Bel Ami comes with great “benefits”
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Ashton Montana & Eluan Jeunet
Bobby Kanne
Danny Carpenter
Enrique Vera & Derek Caravaggio
Viggo Sorensen
Matt Thurman
Jim Durden & Kirk Gauguin
Riff Dornan & Elio Chalamet
Adam Liotta
Tony Zuko & Felix Dowoni
Nate Donaghy and Bart Cuban
Derek Caravaggio & John Leto
Back to Greece part 11
Matt Thurman & Hans Lagerfeld
Ryan Caan
Mark Laysson & Jens Christensen
Ashton Montana and Benoit Ulliel
Hugo Carter & Camillo Beischel